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Witnessing 2 Million Bikers to DC

Posted by on September 11, 2013

I have no photographs to post.  I have no witty story to tell about a recent fishing trip where I get wet or how life parallels a rolling brook.

I had been following a story on facebook for a few days.  2 Million Bikers To DC they called it.  Their parade permit was denied for September 11, 2013.  But one was given to a Muslim group for the same area for the day.  I do not know all the details.

What I do know is that I thank God for this country.  And even with all of its problems and issues, I would not want to live anywhere else.

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As the Motorcycles traveled south on route 295, I pulled my truck into the center grass median, stood on my front bumper and gave a thumbs up to those bikers making a statement on DC.  I tear ran down my check.  I felt sorrow for those who died on September 11, 2001.  I felt pride in being an american.  I felt honor to have once worn the uniform of a solider.  I felt praise for those riding into DC to have their voice heard and pay their respects of those lost.

God Bless all those touched by the attacks to our grand country on September 11, 2001.  We will never forget.

We as countrymen have a say about how our country is governed and by who.  We may not always agree with our neighbor, but we do have the freedom to speak out.

Has the government gone to far taking our liberties, I think maybe, but I’m just a normal citizen.  Should we have stronger gun control laws, or should the government stay out of my business all together?  I don’t know, maybe, but I’m just a normal citizen.  Those in DC run the country, what can i do about it?  I’m just a normal citizen.


I can get on my bike and join 2 million others you want to express their opinions to the government; push to seek respect for those fallen and make a difference.  Yes, being just a citizen in this country does mean something.  If and when we join forces telling those who govern what we as people want, they will hear the collective voice and respond, or as just a normal citizen, I can vote them out of office.

This is the process of our nation.  One that works when we as, just a citizen, let our voices be heard.

But we must also have respect for the process and once the voting is done, respectfully disagree with and continue to seek change.

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God Bless America, a place where a normal citizen can and does make a difference.  Thumbs up to those who made the ride today.