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The Beauty in Simplicity

Posted by on January 4, 2014

Slowing Down to Enjoy the Beauty in Simplicity of Those Things Around Us.

Last night, I found a few photographs on my camera I had forgotten were there.  One day last week, I had gone for a walk in the local park.  I spent the late afternoon sitting under a twisted low branch hanging cherry tree.  The tree was on the edge of a large grass field.  A field the deer and turkeys visit nightly for dinner.

Whitetail deer through the fence

I sat for over an hour watching five bucks and three does contently feed and rest in the field.  As they were too far for photographs, I just watched them in my binoculars.  Across the road in another field, hundreds of Canada Geese enjoyed their meal, sharing with several more deer and even a few turkeys.

Before dark I started to hike back to the truck, when I came across a few more deer and snapped a couple photographs.  Over a week later when I sat down to down load the photos taken on an icy, cold, windy canoe duck hunt, I remembered taking the photographs.  As my fingers and toes began to thaw from the duck hunt, I remembered the joyful contentment I enjoyed taking a simple sit on the edge of a field watching the deer, geese and turkeys.  I guess not every day has to be filled with life threatening or altering adventures.  Beauty can lie in the seemingly simple things around us, if we take the time to slow down and look around.

Whitetail deer jumping fence

Whitetail deer jumping fenceWhitetail deer jumping fence






The simple beauty of a deer jumping a tall fence, where each muscle of the body must perform its individual function.  Each function a simple contract or expand motion, but when joined together, seemingly amazing things result.



Oxen Run Barn

The beauty of the simple shapes of a hundred year old barn, no extra garnishing, built for function.